Always Young at Heart!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's the Best of Times. It's the Worst of Times!

Charles Dickens had it right. I think it was Charles Dickens anyway! This past week was a full moon...a harvest moon! It was overcast all week so that moon was never really seen by me but it didn't matter! People let you know that the moon is full! My daughter calls and lets me know that her week was the same. The moon hangs over Ohio I guess as well.

The best of times are this: I am about to turn a corner in my life. This November, I will turn 60 years old which sounds horrid so I have to practice saying it and writing it. I am, however, healthy and have so many things to be thankful for. My 50's were amazing. I stretched myself past anywhere I ever thought I would be. My job has been a pure joy. My daughters both completed college, got great jobs and are successful in their own rights. Jim and I talk seriously about retirement and it's getting easier to fathom.

The worst of times are this: I have so many things that I can see. Things that I wish were! I feel time moving so fast and this sense of urgency. Not for me though! I see it for kids today! I feel as though my two daughters moved into the world at a time when there were choices. I feel as though there are fewer and fewer choices for kids now at a time when it appears on the surface that we are inundated with stuff! Kids have plenty of "stuff" but what they will not have perhaps is a career! What happens if our kids go into the world unable to do those 21st Century things that are written about so much? What if parents object to changing the way things used to be? What happens if they don't see this thing coming? What happens if they see it but don't believe it? How do we move forward in a world that is scared of change?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't Think You're So Good!

Words my mom said to me when I was a freshman in college! She had dreamed of many things in her life and settled for being married and raising kids...two things she thought of completely as tasks! Nether fulfilled her dreams! I think she gained satisfaction from squashing other people's dreams then.

I am reading a book called The Element by Sir Ken Robinson. He speaks of working to find your dreams, not letting anyone talk you out of doing what you love and how it's really never too late to realize that you may have unfulfilled dreams.

I'm thinking that my dream was to be an educator because I have spent my life doing it and I have enjoyed it. Most of the time! As I truly reflect on the years though, my mother's voice haunts me..."Don't think you're so good!" For as much I have worked hard at my jobs, I'm never convinced that I have done the job justice. I believe that there are many who could have done a better job of it. Whatever "it" is.

So has education been my element? Or do I spend so much time reading, learning, seeking knowledge because I am always fearful that I'm not good enough?

Sir Ken Robinson points out that many do not discover their element until they have reached a time in their lives when they can relax from the pressures of raising children and building a career. Perhaps I am ready to go in search of my element. Once and for all, I would like to shut out my mother's voice!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Here we go again...changing seasons...changing school years...changing practices! The best and the worst part of spending my career in the field of education is that nothing ever stays the same! Unfortunately, for some, there is an attempt to keep what they can consistent while the students change every year. But for those who try this route, there is a growing disconnect with students with each passing year. Then, some will blame the students...Kids are so different today...They used to be more respectful!

I have been at this gig for over 30 years now and the one thing that I know for sure is kids are still kids! It is us who grow further away from them! So, it becomes necessary then for us to stay relevant to them!

I have loved my job because I have embraced this idea all along. Enjoy change! You might as well! It's going to happen anyway!